Druze council | Doha Magazine
Saturday 08 February 2025 - 9 Shaban 1446

Reason and Ignorance

God Said in His Dear Book: “We have created man in the best configuration.”

And that is because man, especially the perceptive, the scientist, is the purpose of the Creator from all his creation. His union with mental science and the virtues is the essence of his existence and his purpose and his pure luminous destination. He is the only creature who can reason himself, reason the laws of nature and reason the notion of God depending on his stature to God. The Greeks called the reason “logos” and philosophers called it the cause of all the flaws, the easterners called it the radial light of God, and others called it the kindled fire that yeans for the hearts.

The ancestors realized that reason is confined to assessing things by word and deed which is identifying the things, so that its existence would manifest itself clear from any confusion and mystery, away from imaginations, illusions, wishes and dreams, and this is exactly what Socrates meant when he used to say: “O people when you talk, delineate your expressions.” The Greek philosophers realized since a century and a quarter ago, that it’s impossible to delineate your expressions and their meanings without the knowledge of reason. So Aristotle introduced it and made it a measure for all sciences.

The generous prophet (God’s blessings and peace be upon him), once said in praising the mind: What the son of Adam best acquired is the reason that directs him to the true religion or drive him back from what’s bad. And Ibn Sina also said: “ If the reason was depicted it would have brightened the darkness of the night.” If we forget, we shouldn’t forget what Al-Mutanabbī :

If it weren’t for reason the lowest puppy would’ve been as equal as a human being

Philosophers were able to distinguish between reason and science, and between reason and discipline, they said: “through reason we acquire evident virtues, divine sciences, absolute abstract and intuitive logic.” Science is knowing concrete partials by their technique and code of movement, Fission and fusion, Communication and disagreement, so when the partial knowledge reaches the absolute abstract, it becomes reason. And they said that discipline is knowing the conduct of man that makes him positive and just in dealing with himself and others, either by eloquent speech or disciplined actions according to the ethical science. Even if his manners reach the status of wisdom, it becomes reason. They also said Discipline needs guidance which is reason. The reason needs discipline to embody him as a physical social   reality. It is said: “reason without discipline is poverty and discipline without reason leads to death.”  It is also said : “to reach an honourable rank without reason leads to damnation.” And it was told: “a reasonable man without discipline is like a knight without armour. Reason and discipline are like the body and the soul. The reason is the soul of discipline and discipline is the body of reason. Imam Hussain Ibn Ali said: Three things could be wasted, religion without reason, money without effort, love without achievements. And reason cannot be recognized without the companion of the wise, and Aboû 'l-'Alâ' said : When I saw ignorance spread among people, I ignored it until they reckoned me ignorant.

Contributed in producing the text Kamal Sari al Deen

Edited  in 1432 H. 2011 A.D  on 24/9/2011

 Twaheed guidance                   

Issued  from the Office of Druze Sheikhdom