Druze council | Doha Magazine
Tuesday 22 October 2024 - 19 Rabi Al-Thani 1446
Unitarian Knowledge

A Juristic Research into Marriage among the Mouwahidoune Druze

God said, “And among His Signs is this, that He created For you mates from among Yourselves, that ye may Dwell in tranquility with them, And He has put love And mercy between you (hearts): Verily in that are Signs For those who reflect.” (The Romans sura – verse 21)

Marriage is of the verses of the Only One after the verse of creation as in The Romans sura

And since life is a mission and a responsibility, God (Most Exalted, Most Glorified) created man a spouse of his kind to be his assistant in the course of goodness, a good husband and a good wife, a fortified construction strengthened by God with what he created among them of intimacy and mercy, so that the goal of life is fulfilled and of which God said, “It is He who has Created man from water: Then has He established Relationships of lineage And marriage: for thy Lord Has power (over all things).” (The Criterion sura – verse 54)

Consequently, marriage was legalized for the sake of posterity in the first place, it is the sacred legal bond that preserves the kind honored by God so that posterity, the cause of this world’s existence, is maintained.

Describing and praising the messengers, the Exalted said, “We did send apostles Before thee, and appointed For them wives and children…” (The Thunder sura – verse 38). This was mentioned in course of gratefulness and showing favor.

The Almighty praised his saints or holy men saying, “And those who pray, ‘Our Lord! Grant unto us Wives and offspring who will be The comfort of our eyes…”  (The Criterion sura – verse 74)

It is enough to refer to what is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an about Yahia Bin Zakaria who did never commit a sin or even intended to do so; in the invocation of Zakaria, Yahia’s father, it was said,My Lord grant to me from you righteous descendants, surely You are the All- hearing of prayers.” Then the Angels called to him while He stood in prayer in the sanctuary, Allah gives you glad tidings of Yahia a believer in a word from Him, honourable, and chaste, and a righteous prophet.

Imam Ali (pbuh) said, “I did not ask my Lord for a glowing-faced, well-figured son; I asked him for a son obedient to God, scared of Him, so that when I look at him in his obedience, my eye will be at comfort.”

The Mouwahidoune Druze say: two conditions govern the monotheistic worship: the condition of the bidden and that of moderation. The condition of the bidden is the abstinence from the prohibited, for he who preserves himself from the harshness of the prohibited, is saved from hell. Whereas the condition of moderation is that trait of the justly balance ummat (nation), as the Almighty said, “Thus have we made of you An Ummat justly balanced, that ye might be witnesses Over the nations.” (The Cow sura – verse 143)

The moderation of methodology and behavior rejects the transgression of what God has bidden yet also detests immoderation in practicing the bidden; as a wise said, “The most of defects is the degradation of soul to the rank of bestial lust where it becomes completely under its control; whereas, the greatest of ornaments is the domestication of soul with wisdom and the suppression of lust with abstinence.” The Mouwahidoune Druze deny that the principle of marriage is based on putting off the fire of lust – though they admit that it defends the soul, preserves it from the forbidden, and is a solution and a treatment to many who could not control the whim of their lusts – however, this principal is not fundamental in regard of marriage where the main goal is asking for a child and establishing the sunna. Seeking posterity is innately and wisely intended and lust act as a stimulus to it, and as inferior and appended, yet not as targeted, as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, “Your wives are As a tilth unto you; So approach your tilth When or how ye will; But do some good act For your souls beforehand; And fear God, And know that ye are To meet Him (in the Hereafter),And give (these) good tigings to whose who believe.”(The Cow sura – verse 223) So as the sprouting of plants is required from the tilth, posterity (and not the satisfaction of lust) is required from approaching the women. Although the virtuousness of marriage is achieved through the disregard for and preservation of the vulva from the forbidden, yet the victory in the course of jihad is achieved through transcending with the humane above the instinctive. Consequently, giving full rein to the soul in the world of lust, even at abiding by the bidden, without regulation and limitation, is wearing out and harming the body, and weakening the soul by destroying its mental perception.

As Gallinos said, “Too much of the sexual intercourse wears out the body, weakens the eyesight and corrupts the intellect.” Sage Abocrat is known for his saying, “ Sexual intercourse is like the well which spouts forth as long as you draw water from it and subsides down as you leave it.”