Druze council | Doha Magazine
Wednesday 15 January 2025 - 15 Rajab 1446
The Official Newspaper
Issued every Thursday of the week

Year 146 Monday 12/6/06

A Law

Issued on 9/6/06

Organizing the Unitarian Druze Sect Affairs

In application of the terms of item 57 of the constitution ,

and based on the fact that the legal interlude stipulated in the second article of item 57 of the constitution, has expired,

and based on the fact that the law that was recognized by the parliament on a majority basis, on the sessions held on Wednesday and Thursday, the 3d and 4th of May, 2006, was not issued during that period,

hence it follows that this law is considered legally effective, and should be published.

A Law
Issued on 9/6/2006

Organizing the Unitarian Druze Sect (UDS) Affairs

The Parliament has acknowledged and published the following law


The suggested law aiming at organizing the UDS affairs as regulated by the Committee of Administration and Justice, was authenticated.
Some text comes here
 The UDS is an autonomous sect as regards its religious affairs and its consecrated estates; it undertakes the mission of legislating its own regulations, running its institutions in accordance with the sects spiritual orders, its privileges, and the laws and regulations from which they stem, this being accomplished by its competent UDS- representatives, through the means described in the following items.
 Representing the UDS is a head religious figure, Sheikh-el Akl, who enjoys the same privileges, sanctity, and rights as any of the other head figures of other Religious sects in Lebanon with no exception or particularization.
The UDS has as its headquarters a main location in Beirut, Dar-el- Taifa-, which is considered to be the official center of the sects head religious figure, the Sheikh-el-Akl when exercising his responsibilities. 
CHAPTER 2: THE ROLE OF SHEIKH-EL-AKL [the sects religious head figure]
 The Sheikh-el-Akl represents all of the UDS in religious matters before public authorities, other sects and religions. He takes charge of the sects spiritual affairs, as well as its social and religious interests in all the districts of the Lebanese Republic. For that, he is aided by a religious counseling board that consists of six religiously well-informed Sheikhs (religious figures), well-known for their religious cognizance, one of whom comes from the Bayada hermitage. The Sheikh-el-Akl appoints all six sheikhs within one month of assuming responsibilities at his post as Sheikh-el-Akl

It should be taken into consideration, however, that the selected members are not previously acquainted, or related to the Sheikh.

The board meets at least once a month, headed by the Sheikh, who can also call for further meetings when necessary to discuss and handle the sects spiritual affairs.

The Sheikh is entitled, by the authority granted to him by the legislated laws and regulations exercise the following rights:

-He can head the sessions held by the UDS Sect Council board as recognized by the laws and regulations of this council.

-He can supervise the management of sanctuary shrines, hermitages, and religious meeting places, attributed to this sect.

- He can pre-consent, together with the sects religious committee of the council, the educational religious curriculum (s) given to UDS students, at religion-teaching schools.

- He can take decisions related to the re-registration of UDS children according to the prevailing procedural laws.

- He can authorize UDS representatives in their countries of immigration to carry out missions related to UDS rituals , provided that the authorization specifies the time, place and nature of the mission (s). The Sheikh has the authority, however, to end or make any adjustments in this authorization at any time , as he sees appropriate.

- He can give his pre-consent for publishing auditory, visual, or recorded publications, books or manuscripts that bear UDS religious significance, and take necessary legal measures against violators before relevant legally qualified authorities.

- He has to attend to all that concerns the welfare of the UDS sanctuary locations, ceremonial rituals, religious affairs, properties of the UDS, as well as safeguarding the freedom of the UDS religious sheikhs, taking the appropriate measures for that.

- He can receive donations, grants and contributions donated to the Sheikh-el-Akl post according to relevant laws.

- He can nominate religiously committed members of the UDS to be exempted from compulsory military service.

- He can pre-consent the designation of commissioners for the accomplishment of religious missions relating to the UDS in countries of immigration.
 The person who undertakes the responsibilities of the position of Sheikh-el-Akl can, under no circumstances, hold any other position, partake in any other career, profession or paid job, except for honorary ranks specific for similar religious posts and that are appropriate for the office of Sheikh-el-akl. The mere acceptance of this post entails /requires/ total and final relinquishing of any other vocation, job, or career.
 In support of the Sheik-el-Akl at his post, a permanent cadre of personnel is initiated. This administrative cadre covers the missions noted in table number, attached to this law.
 A council is issued for the UDS in the Republic of Lebanon, called the Sect Council (SC) for the UDS, and is to assume the responsibility of monitoring the sects social, worldly, financial, and religious, and to represent the sect in missions assigned to it. The council also has to strive to promote the sects welfare, and to safeguard its rights.
The authority of the Sects Council (SC) entails:

1- Electing the UDS Sheikh-el-Akl according to the terms of this law.

2- Accepting donations and grants presented to his post and to the Druze consecrated possessions, in accordance with relevant laws.

3- Suggesting changes and adjustments at any or all of the UDS public domains, and appointing and dismissing personnel according to the terms of this law, on the basis that the SC enjoys an autonomy entitling it to handle all affairs and issues relating to this sect.

4- Supervising the sects consecrated possessions, and the institutes and organizations related to the UDS, and taking the necessary decisions that help running and supervising the financial expenditures seeing that required goals are accomplished. Exempted from that is the Khalwat-el-Bayada consecrated possessions, which remain under the authority and the supervision of its own Sheikhs (religious cadre).

In applying all the afore-mentioned, the legal conceptions of the consecrated possessions conditions are to be taken into consideration.
5- Acknowledging the boards balance-sheet that includes the Committee of the Consecrated Possessions Affairs, signing the yearly financial report, and becoming acquainted with what is requested from the Councils committee regarding periodical reports that ensure the proper continuation of the required job, and giving the necessary comments on it.

6- Attesting (signing) the councils administrative and financial laws, without jeopardizing the freedom of belief principle, with an absolute majority of the SCs members at the first session, and with the total agreement of all members present at the following sessions.

7- Supervising the election of the administrative cadres, of the sects institutes and organizations, and inspecting its accounts and budgets [balance sheets], and what is published about the sect.

8- Interfering to resolve any differences that may arise among members in charge of these institutes and organizations, making relevant decisions to this effect, which are to be considered final and compelling.

Decisions relating to issues specified in items 3, 4, and 5, are to be taken unanimously by the SC (sects council) members.  
  1- All UDS properties cannot, under any circumstances, be bought, sold, mortgaged, or be leased under right of rem conditions.

Changes in structure, alterations, or displacements require the consent of more than 75% of the SC (sectorial council) members, provided that the quorum at the first session should include more than 75% of the council members, and two thirds of the members who legally constitute the council on the following sessions.

As for rentals, or investments, 75% of the council members present should grant their pre-consent, provided that two thirds of the council members be present on the first session, and the absolute majority of the members that legally constitute the SC (sectorial council) be present on the following sessions.

The Committee of Consecrated Estates Affairs has the right to sign rental contracts relating to the consecrated possessions, for a period that does not exceed five years, ; these contracts are not subject to extension or renewal without the approval of the SC (sectorial council) according to the quorum pre-mentioned.

2- It is not allowed, under any circumstances, to hold any contracts of whatever quality, relating to the congregates possessions by a member of the Consecrated Estates Committee, whether directly related to it or on a rotating basis, or by any party who belongs to a group that can exercise custodial authority over it including the SC members. This prohibition applies also to the ascendants, descendants, spouses and extended family members of any of the above mentioned .
 ITEM 10
 The council has to see to the welfare of the UDS members, their schools, universities, and institutes, and to accomplish that, it has the right to sign for issuing the necessary expenditures to provide them with necessary provisions in cases of financial need, and to make up for the financial deficiency [s] or in their budgets, from the Consecrated Possessions budget, [congregates budget] or from the money deposits of the institutes and organizations that belong to it. The council also has the right to supervise the educational curriculums adopted, a mission undertaken by the religious committee originating from the council itself, and to take necessary measures relating to it, according to procedural laws.
 ITEM 11
 The council has the right to investigate any default or transgression in the application of the rules and laws specified in Item 4 pre-mentioned, by any of the institutes ,organizations or any of their members, and should work on remedying that by legal means.

The council imposes the following punitive measures [punishments] on violators:

a- A written admonition.

b- A written warning.

c- Dismissal from post.

If reform, despite the written warning proves to be unfeasible, the council has the jurisdiction [right] to sue and require the dismissal of the violating institutes cadre [body] or to require dissolving it from the Court of First Instance, on a summary proceedings basis.

The Supreme Druze Court of Appeals is to be considered the reference for appeals regarding legal decisions issued by the SC [sectorial council.]
 ITEM 12
The UDS Sectorial Council (SC) consists of permanent and elected members.

The permanent members are:

- 1- The Sheikh-el-Akl, the head religious figure of the Druze sect, elected on the basis of this law.

- 2- The current ministers in the government, and the current and previous members of parliament (MPs)

- 3- All the present Druze sect�s judges at all levels.

- 4- The two Druze members of the Constitutional Council, and the Supreme Judicial Council.

The elected members are:


1- Three union-registered lawyers registered in Tripoli�s and Beirut�s Lebanese Order of Lawyers.

2- Three engineers, with engineering degrees of any specialty, and who are registered at the Lebanese Order of Engineers in Tripoli and Beirut.

3- Three doctors carrying Medical Doctor�s degrees, registered at the Lebanese Order of Physicians.

4- A dentist carrying a degree in Dentistry, registered at the Lebanese Order of Dentists.

5- One pharmacist carrying a degree in Pharmacy, and registered at the Lebanese Order of Pharmacists.

6-. Two liscenced accounting experts [accountants] holding degrees in accounting, and registered at the Lebanese order of Accountants.

Lawyers, engineers, medical doctors, pharmacists and accountants, are to be elected by their Druze colleagues at the orders to which they belong.

7. Three university graduates, with specialties other than those pre-mentioned, elected by Druze members of their same specialties.

8. Three university professors, with specialties other than those pre-mentioned, from accredited universities, not colleges, provided that these professors carry PhD degrees officially certified by the Ministry of Higher Education. These, too, are elected by Druze members of the same specialties.


Eight members from the Shouf district [kada� el-Shouf], eight from Aley district [Kada�Aley], five from Ba�abda district, [Kada� Ba�abda], five from Hasbaya district, [kada� Hasbaya], five from Rashaya district, [Kada� Rashaya], two members representing Beirut [ Mohafazat Beirut] and the other areas.

These district representatives are elected, each in his district area, by mayors, municipality council members, locally elected mayors (Makhateer) and their council members, elected in their own areas.


The Committee of Religious Affairs consists of district representatives according to the following order:

Four members of the Shouf district, four members of Aley district, two members of Ba�bda district, two members of Hasbaya district, two members of Rashaya district, one member of Beirut Mohafaza, and one member representing the remaining areas.

The men of the cloak responsible for religious sanctuary meeting places and councils, and hermitages (sectrums), are responsible for electing the religious committee, according to the conventional consultation system adopted by the UDS religiously committed members [men of the cloak].


An elector [electing member] must be:

A Lebanese Druze as observed through a public identity register (certificate), no more than six months old, enjoys all his/her civil rights, and is past twenty one years of age.

An electing member with more than one post, has the right to elect only according to one.


An elected member has to meet the following conditions:

He must be a Lebanese Druze who enjoys all his civil rights, with no felony or crime on his record, and is past twenty seven years of age, and less than seventy, and should belong to one of the groups specified in Item 12.

Members representing districts should have official registered identity records in the areas they are to be elected in since an interval of at least five years.

He must not be a government employee, or hired by the government at any of its public administrations, institutions, or municipalities, and in case he does hold a position at any of the above, he is to be considered as officially resigned, except for the judges of the Druze Sect Council, the Constitutional Council, and the Higher Judicial Council.


The term of office of the SC -Sectorial Council- terminates legally with the lapse of six years after the election of all of its members.


During the sixty days that precede the end of term of the present council, elections for the new council take place; the time for this election is determined by the Sheikh-el-Akl of the UDS, provided that the appointed date should be announced at least thirty days before the election date by publishing in four daily newspapers, three days in a row, and by posting placards in public areas.

In case Sheikh-el-Akl did not appoint a date as mentioned above, for one reason or another, the Council would definitely meet the first day following the thirty days� interval pre-mentioned, to announce the date of election, and in this case the Sectorial Council is headed by the council�s eldest member, who designates a date within the above-mentioned interval and announces it.


Once the election date is announced, the higher Druze Court of Appeal convenes spontaneously, and appoints, by cause of warranted decree, an election committee that consists of seven members, from outside the Sectorial Council, headed by a retired Druze judge, grade ten at least, to prepare for the elections, and supervise them, as a prelude to announcing the results.


The elections� committee designates the time and place of the meetings of the electing

groups, and has the right to choose for its assistance at the election process a number of persons it selects from the Druze sect; the committee can also seek the aid of the police security force, when necessary.


Individuals of groups entitled to vote, and who wish to exercise their right to vote or to be nominated, should acquire the following documents:

1. For lawyers, engineers, medical doctors of any specialty, pharmacists, or certified accountants, certificates from their orders that confirm [attest] their affiliation [membership] in these orders, and that their names are enlisted in their records as practitioners.

2. For university graduates of other categories than those mentioned, a certificate from the Ministry of Higher Education that testifies [attests] the degrees held.

3. Religiously committed members [men of the cloak] are exempted from the necessity to acquire any certificate, according to section C of Item 12 of this law.


With the exception of the religiously committed members [men of the cloak] who are nominated according to section C of Item 12 of this law, anyone who desires to be nominated has to present a written application to the electing committee at least ten days before the election date; any application after that is to be rejected [obsolete]


The council�s members are to be elected in secret session.


The one to gain council membership is [he] who gets the majority of votes at a certain category. In the case of a tie, the elder member wins. In the case of equal ages, the winner is chosen by drawing lots.


Within ten days of the date of issuing the election results, Sheikh-el-Akl calls the new winning members to hold the first session of the new council within 10 days of the date of issuing the election results.


An elected member is to be considered resigned:

1- By giving his resignation, if this resignation is accepted by the council.

2- Legally if he is absent for three consecutive meetings, and is again absent for three other meetings after getting a written warning from the president to this effect, without offering a legitimate excuse for this absence.

3- If the council decides by the absolute majority to excuse him from his responsibilities, based on a suggestion issued by one third of the members.

4. If any of the conditions mentioned in Item 15 of this law becomes lacking.


In the case of vacancy of more than two thirds of the posts of an elected category for any reason, complementary elections are held for the vacant positions at that specific category, within sixty days of the date of that vacancy, and the new member is to hold the position for the remaining interval of time of the old member that he replaces.. If, however, this vacancy occurs six months before the end of term of the Sectorial Council, no successor to the post is elected.

If the vacancy exceeds half the total sum of the members, the council is to be considered dissolved, and new elections are called for in accordance with the mechanism specified in Item 17 of this law.


The validity of the elections can be contested before the Druze sect�s Higher Court of Appeal by the nominated members only, and this court undertakes the responsibility of handling the presented contestations.


The time limit for the contestation pre-mentioned in the previous item is seven days of the date of issuing the election results, and the court has to arrive at a resolution regarding these contestations within a period of 30 days. The court�s decisions [settlements] in that regard tolerate no method of negotiation, whether by ordinary or appeal courts.


With the termination of the contestation interval, or the issuing of the contestation committee of its decision regarding the validity of the elections, the Cabinet [government] is to be informed of the election results.
The candidate for the position of �Sheikh-el-Akl� has to be:

1- Lebanese, of the UDS, and past forty years of age.

2- A man of the cloak, well-known for his integrity and religious commitment, and committed to the UDS religious protocols since a period that exceeds five years [as a minimum], according to the prevailing practices and traditions.

3- Well-educated spiritually, and well-acquainted with the sect�s traditions and customs.

4- Well-reputed, known to rise above all that may afflict one�s religion and dignity in one�s religious and legal course.


The Sheikh holds his position for 15 years starting the date of his election, renewable by a unanimous decision taken by the Sectorial Council.

The Sheikh can only be relieved from his post upon his own request, or for dangerous reasons that threaten the sect�s dignity, unity or existence, or that may afflict the sect�s reputation, or for health reasons that prevent him from performing his job, this being decided by a permanent [standing] medical committee in Beirut, according to a request made by a quarter of the Sect Council�s members.

If the Sheikh refuses to resign arbitrarily, he would be exempted from his post by a decision of the general panel of the Sectorial council.

In all cases, the Sheikh�s term of office ends as he reaches seventy five years of age.


One month, at least, and two months at most, before the expiration of the Sheikh-el-Akl�s term of office, and by a request of its chairman [president], the SC [Sectorial Council] convenes for the election of a new Sheikh; the request includes the time and place of the election, and is to be posted on the entrances to the sect�s central location,�Dar Atta�ifa�, and the Druze sect�s courts , and is to be published in three local newspapers for three consecutive days. The election is to take place in the UDS�s central location in Beirut, and if this is not possible for out-of-hand reasons, the request designates a meeting place at any Druze public center in Lebanon.

If, for any reason, the council�s chairman fails to call for the meeting pre-mentioned, the SC -sect�s council- concedes automatically [necessarily] on the first working day following the two-months interval pre-mentioned above, to announce the election date in which case the SC [Sect�s Council] is headed by the eldest member who appoints a date for the election and announces it [in public] within ten days, provided that the election takes place within the fifteen days following the announcement.


For nomination for the post of Sh�k �el-Akl, a written application should be presented to the secretary of the Sect�s Council before at least 20 days of the election date; it should be signed by 10 members of the Sect�s Council, a third of whom are members of the religious board of the Sect�s Council. On registration, the applicant receives a receit from the secretary.


In the case of vacancy in th Sheikh-el-Akl post due to death, or to reasons mentioned in Item 30 of this law, the eldest member in the Sect�s Council calls the council for an election session for a new Sheikh-Akl according to the terms of this law.


The electing committee for the post of Skeikh-el-Akl consists of the Sect�s Council members who concede chaired by the eldest member, or the next to the eldest member provided that the chairman is not a candidate for the Sheikh-el-Akl post.

The quorum for the SC - Sect�s Council- meeting is to be considered a law for the elections pre-mentioned in this item, with the presence of two thirds of its members at the first session, and the presence of the absolute majority of its members in the following sessions. The winner is the one to acquire the majority of the votes of the members present; in the case of a tie, the elder is to be considered the winner, and in the case of equal ages, the winner is determined by drawing lots.


The election of the Sheikh-el-Akl takes place in secret session; the white voting paper should only include the candidate�s first name, his father�s name, and his family name, with no other addition, title, or description. Any voting paper that does not clearly indicate the candidate�s full name, or that is colored, or that carries any distinguishing mark or description of the candidate, other than the candidate�s name, is not counted.


The head chairman, as the chairman of the election /voting committee, the eldest member of the council, supervises the election process, counts votes, and announces results, aided by the secretary of the Sect�s Council, and the youngest council member present, or the member who is [comes] next in age, provided that they are not candidates.

The result is announced as soon as the sorting process of the votes is over, and an official record is registered on the election process and the results, and is to be signed by the chairman of the electing committee, and the members of the committee supervising the election process, and is kept at the secretary�s special registered records.

Once issued and announced, the election results are final, and the elected Sheikh-el-Akl immediately and officially, assumes his responsibilities as such keeping hold of the election papers till the expiry of the contestation date.

The final result is to be reported to the President of the Lebanese Republic, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and to the Prime Minister by way of acknowledgement.


Only a losing candidate has the right to contest the validity of the elections, due to suspected forgery, cheating, or a substantial violation of the election rules.

The contestation is to be presented within a maximum of three days of the announcement of the final results, to the Higher Druze Court of Appeal, to be settled within seven days of the registration date of the contestation at the pre-mentioned court, whose decision in this issue is to be considered final and irrevocable.
 ITEM 38
His eminence, the Sheikh-el-Akl elected according to this law, is the chairman of the Sect�s Council.


At its first session, the council elects, and for the whole interval of the council�s term of office, an administrative board [panel] that consists of:

A secretary.

A treasurer [cashier, teller]

Chairman of the administrative affairs committee.

Chairman of the financial affairs committee.

Chairman of the educational affairs committee.

Chairman of the consecrated possessions affairs committee

Chairman of the social affairs committee.

Chairman of the legal affairs committee.

Chairman of the religious affairs committee

Chairman of the emigration affairs committee

The quorum for the sect�s council�s meetings for the elections pre-mentioned in this item, is half of its members at the first cycle, and one third of its members at the

second cycle.

The winner is the one to get the majority of votes; in the case of equal votes, the winner is the elder candidate, and in the case of equal ages, the winner is determined by drawing lots.

In the case of vacancy of more than a third of the committee members mentioned above, for any reason, complementary elections take place to fill the gaps in the vacant positions at that particular committee within sixty days of this vacancy, and the new member�s term of post does not exceed [the original term of post of] that of the old member replaced.

If, however, the post becomes vacant six months before the designated committee�s term of post is over, no election to succeed the predecessor takes place.

If more than half of the posts of the members become vacant, the committee is to be considered dissolved, and new elections are called for in accordance with the procedure enscripted in item 16 of this law.


The tasks and jurisdiction of the mentioned committees are defined as follows:

A- The Committee of Administrative Affairs

This committee consists of five persons elected by the Council, including the chairman, as shown before

This committee supervises administrative and organizational affairs, plans projects, revises the administrative personnel cadres governed by the terms of this law, puts plans, schedules, curriculums, and studies relating to the SC and to its mechanization, archives and statistics; this committee also has the same authority(s) as the Civil Service Council with respect to UDS members� passing exams and contests for jobs, as required by the employees� public order.

B-The Committee of Financial Affairs

This committee consists of five persons elected by the Council, including the chairman, as shown before.

This committee is concerned with financial affairs,, making plans, studies and investment programs; it also supervises the collection and expenditure of the consecrated estates revenues [incomes] in conformity with legal terms and the decisions made by the Sect�s Council, and the revision of the balance sheet relating to the Sh�kh-el-Akl post, the Sect�s Council and the Committee of the Consecrated Estates, as a prelude to its confirmation and authentication by the Sect�s Council.

C-The Committee of Educational Affairs

This committee consists of five persons elected by the Council, including the chairman, [president] as shown before.

This committee supervises educational and cultural affairs, and also attends to matters that concern the UDS�s universities and colleges.

D-The Committee of Religious Affairs

This committee consists of five persons elected by the members of the religious board pre-mentioned in this law, including the chairman, as shown before.

This committee is concerned with matters relating to religious studies and education in private and public institutes through teachers recognized at the administrative board mentioned in this law; it is also concerned in the collection of all that relates to the sect�s religious heritage, in the production of Unitarian educational books, and in preparing and supervising the religious educational curriculums at those institutes, all of which it does in coordination with the Sh�k-el-Akl�s administration, taking pre-consent for all publications before publishing them. The committee also has the right to supervise the religious subjects adopted at these institutes, and to suggest adequate decisions about them in accordance with laws of procedure.

E- The Committee of Consecrated Estates Affairs

This committee consists of nine members elected by the Council, including the chairman, as shown before.

Considering Article 3 of Item 8 of this law, this committee is concerned with setting the general policy for the consecrated estates, in preparing plans for the growth and investment of its institutes, managing, and supervising these consecrated estates and possessions at all their branches and putting convenient policies for that

purpose; it is also concerned with working on the proper investment and enhancement of its resources, and with all matters relating to the sect�s holy places, sacred shrines and places of worship as regards their equipment, restoration, and construction in various districts, with the cooperation and coordination and consent of the Sh,kh-el-Akl administration, [and] maintaining communication with the local and social institutes; it also works on the proper collection of the consecrated estates money, on its proper expenditure in conformity with regulations, depositing the collected revenues at special banks, watching over the proper investment of its consecrated estates , residential buildings, commercial, educational, and health institutes , and supervising the construction, maintenance, and furnishing of the consecrated estates buildings.

F- The Committee of Social Affairs

This committee consists of 9 members elected by the Council, including the chairman, as shown before.

This committee is concerned with the supervision of all social affairs, including social welfare aids, and scholastic scholarships, according to specific priorities set by the Sect�s Council board; it is also concerned with public relations, as in communicating with the governmental and social institutes within or out of the country, and in collecting donations and accepting grants for the sect�s council, or the consecrated estates, and in all matters relating to the UDS that help promote the sect�s status and its levels of performance.

G- The committee of Legal Affairs

This committee consists of 3 members elected by the Council, including the chairman, as shown before.

This committee is in charge of all legal matters including the preparation of legal studies and consultations, handling legal cases as a preliminary step before handing them over to lawyers who are contracted for their services for that purpose, supervising the preparation of by-laws [laws of procedure] of the Sect�s Council and its committees, supervising the legitimacy of the elections mentioned in this law, and the election of the Administrative committees and the organizations and institutes of the UDS.

H- The Committee of Emigration Affairs

This committee consists of 5 members elected by the Council, including the chairman, as shown before.

This committee is in charge of all immigration affairs including total and constant communication with the Druze community abroad, keeping track of all of their activities through communicating with them and with their colleges and institutions, and through attending conventions and seminars held by them, and working on the improvement of their status and performance, with a constant effort to keep immigrants attached to their religious and cultural legacy, in order to help raise the new generations to the prevailing Unitarian customs, conventions, and traditions.


The UDS�s council initiates an administrative system that consists of the following units

1- The general department of the Sect�s Council, which has two branches:

a. The administrative and social division.

b. The educational and religious affairs division

2- The Consecrated Estates Department which has two branches:

a. The administrative and financial division

b. The real estate affairs division

3-The Common Administrative Department


The tasks of the personnel of these units are distributed as shown in the following tables:

A- The administrative system of the general administration office of the Sect�s Council consists of permanent employees as shown in the following table

General director

Head of department

Head of division






Gatekeeper/ concierge


Sentry / guard

B- The administrative system of the administration office of the Consecrated Estates department consists of permanent employees as shown in the following table


Head of department

Head of central unit /division/

Head of district unit



Comptroller / auditor/accountant







C- The administrative system of the common administrative department consists of permanent employees as shown in the following table


Head of division /unit








Every committee has the right to seek the assistance of specialized consultants that are not members of the council.


The council convenes in sessions held at specialized auditoriums at the UDS�s headquarters �Dar Atta�ifa� in Beirut, or at any other place agreed upon by the members of the Council in case of out-of-hand reasons.


The Council sets its laws of procedure within a period of two months starting the date of its constitution, and it only becomes effective upon the consent of two-thirds of its members, and this system can be subject to modification only through the same process.

The legal quorum at the first session is two-thirds of the total sum of the Council members, and the absolute majority in the following sessions.


Except for the exceptions stated in this law, the Council�s meeting sessions are not to be considered legal unless attended by the absolute majority of its members. Its resolutions [decrees] are not effective unless agreed upon by the absolute majority of the members present.


The Sect�s Council suggests the assignment of the general director, the heads of the departments and divisions according to the operative terms of this law.

The Sect�s Council assigns the administrative employees and the employees with religious missions, and issues decisions relating to their promotion(s), chastisement, or dismissal, in accordance with the terms of this law.

A candidate has to meet the requirements requested for assignment in the legislative decree no. 112, dated 12/6/1956, in addition to special designation conditions decided upon by the administrative committee indicated in Item 40 of this law.

The wages of UDS employees follow the rank system of the hierarchy of wages and grades of employees at public administrations departments.


A special article , relating to the UDS �s Council is noted in the official balance sheet �care of the Prime Ministry- includes the president�s indemnification [recompensation fees] , the permanent employees� wages and collaterals indicated in this law, and expenses that cover the furniture expenses and maintenance of the UDS central location, �Dar Atta�ifa�.
 ITEM 49
  The UDS deputy Sheikh- Akl has to call for the election of the first new Sect�s Council within 30 days of issuing this law. In case he fails to do that, the president of the UDS Higher Court of Appeal officially calls for the election, and sets a date for that within 60 days of issuing this law and according to its terms.


The SECT�S Council holds its first session within ten days of its election, headed by its eldest member who, according to this law, calls for the election of a new Sheikh

Akl. Moreover, the Council of Trustees of the Druze Consecrated Estates is to be considered officially dissolved according to the law no. 164 date 28/ 12/ 1999, as soon as the new Sect�s Council is elected, and has to hand over all documents, money, legal papers and records to the new Sect�s Council once the latter is elected.


The term �Druze Sect� is to be replaced by �the Unitarian Druze Sect� [UDS] in whatever scripts it is mentioned in all legal and applicable rules and regulations, and this term is to be adopted in any legal script established and acknowledged later on.


All rulings [terms] that conflict with this law, or that do not conform with its content, are to be ruled out [cancelled] , in particular the law relating to the constitution of the UDS�s Council , issued on 13/7/ 1962, and the law relating to the constitution of the UDS�s Council of Consecrated Estates Trustees no. 164, issued on 28/12/1999.


The law for electing the Sheikh-el-Akl issued on 13/7/1962 with its modifications, and the law that organizes the UDS�s affairs in relation to the Sheikh-el-Akl post, no. 208, issued on 26/5/2000 are to be cancelled; also, all scripts and clauses that conflict with this law or that do not conform with it, are to be cancelled.


1-Within one month of issuing this law in the official newspaper, workers and employees assume responsibilities at their posts at the Sheikh-el-Akl�s, the Sect�s Council�s, and the Consecrated Estates trustees� locations of work [quarters], and are to be positioned at their new locations according to the terms of this law.

2-Any worker or employee at the Skeikh-el-Akl�s ,or at the Sect�s Council�s, or at the Consecrated Estates� trustees offices, can request to end his services during an interval that starts on the date the law is issued, and ends one month after the election of the Sheikh-el-Akl.

An employee or worker whose resignation is accepted legally in this case, is given, in addition to his legal financial rights, if they exist, an additional compensation to the sum of his salary and indemnification, equivalent to the sum of his salary and indemnification on 12 months, provided that the sum exceeds twelve million Lebanese pounds, if he has served for more than five years at his post. If, however, his time of service is less than five years, he would be compensated by a half-month salary for each year of service, provided that the sum exceeds six million Lebanese pounds.

The resignation request cannot be retracted [withdrawn] once registered at the Common department.

Item 55

This law becomes effective once published in the official newspaper.