Druze council | Doha Magazine
Wednesday 12 March 2025 - 12 Ramadan 1446

Duties Of The Authorized Officers Of Mashyakhat Al Aql

Chapter II of Part I of the law issued on 9/6/2006, clarifies the role and powers of Sheikh Al Aql, including those stipulated in the fifth clause of Article IV which reads as follows:
"The delegation of authorized officers of the Lebanese Druze, to carry out some of the works that have to do with practicing the monotheistic rites in the diaspora, provided that the place, theme and duration are determined in the authorization decision; Sheikh Al Aql has the right to terminate or modify the authorization at any time he deems appropriate.”


The Mashyakhat Al Aql, in spite of the specific powers granted to the authorized officers, counts on their performance and what it indicates; on their role and its impact on the rest of our members in the world of Immigration; and on their wholehearted cooperation and the role it plays in tightening the bonds of familiarity, restoring the bridges of communication, and  constructing the foundations of trust and collaboration with all the members of communities and competent authorities around the world.

To achieve such transcendental goals, whose accomplishment and effectiveness could return to our honorable sect with a higher interest, we need to establish some of the conditions that need to be met with whom we shall mandate as an authorized officer, as stipulated in the aforementioned Article IV. 

The candidate must enjoy certain conditions for this noble task, so that the delegation decision is convenient and appropriate, namely:

First: the formal requirements:

1- A proposal nominating the person intended to be charged shall be submitted by the members of the Druze sect or of the Druze society living in the same place of residence of the nominated person.  

2- A written statement shall be submitted by the charged person in approval of the request of his assignment as an authorized officer and in confirmation of looking at the mentioned tasks.

3- The nominated person charged to be assigned as an authorized officer shall submit his individual extract.

Second: The Self conditions:

1 – He is a member of the Lebanese Mouwahidoun Druze sect and the son of Lebanese parents.

2 – He is cognizant of the high moral values of the monotheistic (tawheedi) conduct and is committed to the graceful, monotheistic customs and traditions towards which he shows respect in his manner of performance;  he promotes virtues, does not participate in events where the the present drink liquor (alcohol) or gamble, or the like.

3 – He is of adequate knowledge of monotheistic (tawheediah) culture and awareness to distinguish between the genuine and the fake, regarding the circulated issues.

4 – He is of adequate knowledge of the organizational structures of Mshyakhat Al Aql, the Confessional Council and the Confessional Judiciary of the Mouwahidoun Druze sect. Thus, following through its competent authorities, with respect to strengthening the ties with the Druze communities in foreign countries and its influence in boosting growth and prosperity forward.

Third: The practical requirements and tasks:

1 – Being acquainted with the monotheistic worship regarding prayer on the deceased and its decent performance on all the people of the community who enjoy the capacity of marriage. (Refer to terms No. 1 and 2 of the Fourth Article of "Supplementary Conditions"). 

2 - Reviving of some religious events in coordination with the community competent authorities, particularly, the Greater Bairam (Eid Al-Adha Al Mobarak), taking into consideration  the reading of religious preaching and instructive speeches issued or approved by Mashyakhat Al Aql.

3   – Relying upon the general attitudes of Mashyakhat Al Aql expressed in his speeches delivered on great occasions, and looking on all that is published or approved of prints and website pages.

Fourth: Supplementary Conditions:

1 – He is acknowledged with conducting marriage contracts among the members of the Mouwahidoun Druze sect where the engaged parties shall be of the Druze, registered in the Vital Statistics Records in Lebanon. 

2- Had one spouse not been registered in Lebanon, it has to be certified that he/she is the child of Druze parents; however, if the mother was not of the Druze, it has to be certified that the parents’ marriage is only civil, and did not take place before any religious authority. 

3 – He observes guiding the wife’s parents to necessarily send their daughter’s marriage contract with a copy of passport of both spouses, as soon as possible, after concluding the contract, to the Druze Community House attached with the civil registration number of the husband and wife in Lebanon if possible. 

4 – The authorized officer shall never be assigned to carry out the formalities of divorce; instead, he shall be assigned to reconcile both parties (husband and wife).  However, had the divorce decision been taken, each spouse shall organize a power of attorney to any of his kin relatives in Lebanon: father, mother, brother, sister, nephew, uncle, aunt, or to their attorney-at-law (each to a different attorney-at-law) to carry out the required procedures in Lebanon.

Fifth: Final conditions:
1 - The writing of will is subject to the text of Article 161 of the Code of Personal Status, as follows:
(Article 161 - If the testator was in a foreign country, he can ratify his will at a competent authority in that country. The will could not be carried out in Lebanon unless it was given the operational version by the confessional judge in accordance with regulations established for the implementation of foreign judgments on the Lebanese territories). 
In Lebanon, the text of Article 159 of the Code of Personal Status. 
(Article 159 – The devisees or any of them shall seek the judge’s sentence regarding the validity of the will within  a period of two years from the date of the testator's death; otherwise,  his right to ask for the will is prescribed. The provisions of the said article does not apply and the right of the minor, the absent and the insane person). 
2 - The authorized officer is not allowed to speak of religion and doctrine unless the subjects to deal with were approved of by Sheikh Al Aql prior consent; however, he is authorized to command with what is just and forbid what is evil, and to guide through the ethics of religion (al tawheed al sharif) and the way to honorable monotheism.
3 – When the authorized officer needs to register his authorization before official authorities in his country of residence, he has to notify Mashyakhat Al Aql in Beirut. 
4 - Continuous communication with Mashyakhat Al Aql via Web site or e-mail:
a. Web.: http://www.mouwahidoundruze.gov.lb

  b.E-mail:[email protected].

Beirut: 7/3/2008        

Bureau of Mashyakhat Al Aql