His Eminence, Sheikh Al-Aql, Sheikh Naeem Hasan: Palestine is Arabic
His Eminence Sheikh Aql of the Druze monotheistic faith (Tawhid), Sheikh Naeem Hssan, expressed that facing the American-Zionist "Deal of the Century", which is against Palestine, lies in the internal Palestinian unity which alone can enhance the Palestinian people's resistance and historical struggle in defense of their land and sanctities. He called on the Palestinian people to establish their legitimate natural rights and self-determination, in the forefront of which would be the establishment of its independent state with its capital, Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
In a statement, he called "the Arab and Islamic worlds to broaden solidarity with the basic Palestinian issue, in order to preserve the land of Palestine as an Arabic land with its known geographical borders, in addition to the right of return of the Palestinians, the rejection of any form of settlement, and abiding by relevant international resolutions."