Beirut, on November 10, 2011
His Eminence the Sheikh Akl of the Druze Unitarian Community the Sheikh Naim Hassan received the deputy Nadim Gemayel in presence of the Judge of the Druze Confession the Sheikh Ghandi Makarem. After the meeting, Gemayel declared: “We confirmed the communication existing between the Druze Community and us, as these two communities Maronite and Druze were the basis of the establishment of a strong State and the backbone of this country. Communicating and being open completely to others will always remain our pillar, in the will of God. We all live in freedom, proud and close to each other”.
In the light of his answer to the question about his opinion regarding the latest positions of the deputy Walid Joumblatt, he said: “the positions of the deputy Walid Joumblatt are very close to ours and to those of March 14 alliance, which proves the struggle we had been going through, even if Joumblatt had taken at some periods a position that was a bit far, but in the end the right will reign and it was logical to take the position he took”.
In case the government of the Prime Minister Najib Mikati does not accept to finance the International Court, Gemayel said: “Let us let keep every affair on time and we will see”.