Druze council | Doha Magazine
Tuesday 11 March 2025 - 11 Ramadan 1446
His Eminence Sheikh Aql of Mouwahidoun Druze Sect, Sheikh Naim Hassan received ex Prime Minister Najib Mikati in Verdun on September 3, 2009


His Eminence Sheikh Aql of Mouwahidoun Druze sect, Sheikh Naim Hassan received at Dar Attayfeh in Verdun ex Prime Minister Nasjib Mikati, and they discussed some national issues and concerns.
After his visit, ex Prime Minister Najib Mikati declared: “I was pleased to meet Sheikh Hassan and I classify my visit under the title of respect and honor to His Eminence and his national attitudes.”
He was also asked for the reasons of his visit, and he replied, “We discussed national issues and the recent conditions and His Eminence had a clear vision concerning the necessity to “unite Lebanese efforts in general”; and said, “Lebanese people shall abandon all conflicts and we shall work faster in order to form the new government and remove all obstacles and barriers that might face the nominated prime minister Sheikh Saad Harriri, because we are in a great and urgent need for a national unity government, to face the challenges on all aspects, whether political, social and economic.