Druze council | Doha Magazine
Friday 07 March 2025 - 7 Ramadan 1446
Speech of his Eminence the Sheikh Akl of the Druze Unitarian Community the Sheikh Naim Hassan at the occasion of the Holy Fitr 2014


In the Name of God the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Praise be to God Lord of Mankind, Prayers and Peace be upon the Master of Messengers, His Family and His Companions to the day of recompense

The first month during which the Muslims have assumed their obligations and settled their duty of Zakat was the second month of Hegira. They read the Holy Koran with pure hearts, present minds and dignified sense. They were a group like a solid structure {whom neither trade nor sale diverts from the Rememberance of Allah, nor from performing As-Salat, nor from giving the Zakat. They fear a day when hearts and eyes will be overturned} (An-Nûr 37). They were few, but with their sincere and true faith, they changed the old world, criticizing its ignorance and protecting the ones adopting the Book as his Almighty ordered them, obeying to the truth, gaining justice and rebelling against oppression with free minds. This is how they built later on a humanitarian universal civilization and a space where populations were constituted and got acquainted to each other. Islam had an indulgent face and an ethical approach that is still the same until date.

Today we are approaching the significances of the Fitr feast that God his Almighty wanted as a lamp illuminating the souls and a light for the obedient minds. We are celebrating the Fitr feast that represents in reality the soul’s sensations and the heart’s joy for the divine grace that His Almighty has granted to His servants, inspiring their guidance from the Holy Koran for what is a light of perception, a guidance for the hearts and minds and a holy nourishment to the humanitarian souls that aim to rise on the stairs of ethics, knowledge and high conviction. The holy Verses are not satisfied by their repetition, but truly reside in the intention and the hearts’ secrets.

We stand today with humiliation, illustrating in our minds that image of the Islam in its spiritual truth. We stand with a deeply painful heart, sympathizing with our neighbors the wounded Gaza that is still surviving with a pride stemming from the power of truth in face of the deep and serious calamity. It is surrounded by a marginalized nation hit by dissension storms and divisions, threatened by horrible risks that are about to break it into pieces.

What makes the situation more troubling is the absence of an active move by the Arab and International society as well as all the International authorities to cease the open bloodshed in the region, starting from Gaza until the threaten of the Christian presence in Iraq and the bloodshed in Syria. The situation has reached the final warning state since the geopolitical scene in the entire Middle East is destroyed.


All that we fear and worry about is that the Islam becomes a pretext for the conflict between the countries’ interests and a way to stimulate fanaticism that is closer to the Pre-Islamic period than to the Islamic spirit, and thus, it becomes an excuse for the access to dissensions and crimes in our country.

Our solidarity in Lebanon should not be limited to the medias’ initiatives nor to the recurrent speeches. Our solidarity would only make sense if we proceed with a conscious will to avert the risks surrounding our nation hit by the crisis. How could it not be in crisis and our political leaders are unable to elect their president, and this is due to the absence of the political forces’ genuine will and the non-support of the middle party. The security situation does not make us reassured in the light of the accumulation of interior and foreign risks that are threatening the Lebanese security. The current government has granted with its constitution the opportunity to move forward toward a radical solution that adjusts the national path in order to establish the State with all its institutions, since it is the only way for us to face of all the stormy crises that are about to drag our country to a horrible unknown state if we do not face them with the regular mechanisms that are inciting the political regime to assume its role with wisdom and strength. Once we fail in achieving so, we will be similar to those who are helping the devastators plan for badness to our country.

We hope at the occasion of Fitr and all that it carries of the significances of charity and solidarity, that God grants the political leaders in Lebanon all the insight and perspicacity to avoid terror and protect our country from calamities and immediately agree upon the achievement of the presidential maturity in order to guarantee the constitutional life and open the door wide before the solution of daily living files in the citizens’ lives at the political, economic, social, living and financial levels.

Standing at the spaces of the Holy Fitr should be a stress on the truths of guidance. This should make politics guided by it and subject to it, not to exploit it for the interests that are opposite to the significance of the judgment that should be absolutely fair in a way that achieves the interests of people and the good of the nation. These are the significances of Ramadan that we should keep today, aspiring to abide by it and believe in it to be able to act at the private and public levels. Contradicting this indisputable truth will drag us into the calamities, and we will then be unable to solve it as it is manifested today in many of our affairs.

We ask God his Almighty to guide us toward the good path and keep our populations under the wings of His grace, Mercy and Benefaction, so that it regains the shadow of peace granted by His Almighty, and Peace be upon Him.

Happy Fitr.               

Abey, on July 28, 2014