Druze council | Doha Magazine
Thursday 09 January 2025 - 9 Rajab 1446
Speech of his Eminence the Sheikh Akl of the Druze Unitarian Community the Sheikh Naim Hassan at the occasion of the start of Ramadan on July 8, 2013


In the Name of God the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Praise and Thanks be to God Lord of Mankind, Prayers and Peace be upon the Master of Messengers, His Family and His Companions, until the Day of Recompense

{O mankind! There has come to you a good advice from your Lord, and a healing for that which is in your breasts, - a guidance and a mercy for the believers. Say: “In the Bounty of Allah, and in His Mercy; therein let them rejoice”. That is better than what they amass} (Yunus 57-58). God His Almighty has spoken the truth.

Sermon, recovery, guidance and mercy constitute the Holy Koran that was inspired in a blessed month and in which was written for those who believed in fasting: {that you may become Al-Muttaqun} (Al-Baqarah 183). Fasting is a spiritual school through which humans repetitively learn the significance of the corporality lessening so that the soul enjoys humanitarian tranquility and obedience through which a human makes up what he had lost of inattention from the opportunity of stressing on the significances of God His Almighty in His eternal message.

It is a sermon at the same position as advice and the recall of the matters’ consequences, thus, whether the believer learns from it and acts according to its significances and connotations or else he risks of becoming the inattentive person attracted by the embellishments and seductions of this universe to the forgetfulness, acting wildly so that he satisfies all his desires in domination, authority and immoral instincts.

It is the recovery or the healing from diseases. It is meant by diseases here all that storms the chests of those who are sinking into the material excitement of greed, corruption and dissolution of the values’ poem that the Islam wanted as noble, rising and honest to lift the human from the symptoms of his perished clay toward the core of the divine essence that enlightens his soul in the paths of salvation and obedience.

It is a guidance, and guidance is the path toward consciousness and obedience by virtue of the order and prohibition of the truth. In fact, the Unitarian message guides through the “right path”, and it is not possible that the righteousness represents an easiness for oppression and a commitment of all that God dislikes of unpleasant acts, but righteousness should represent fairness, harmony and solidarity for the good of people to repulse oppressions and be loyal to God His Almighty in all that He has ordered, called for and prohibited.

It is a mercy, and the mercy constitutes one of the soul’s qualities – God His Almighty has risen above every quality. His mercy represents the will of carrying the good and repulsing the bad. The Unitarian imitates this Holy grace, thus, it could not be the opposite. His Almighty said: {and My Mercy embraces all things} (Al-A’raf 156). Praise be to whoever obeys to the dignity of His Mercy, and by His humanism he has had mercy on others to be the ideal of good in creation.

Entering into the Holy Ramadan is an access from these significances’ door towards the truth spaces. We truly need the truth benediction at this miserable period where the battlefields are being transformed from the principal front with the Zionist enemy toward the core of our societies that only ask their governors for justice.

By looking to reality, we do not find any reasonable justification that clarifies to us the elements causing the drag into these abysses harming our populations and issues as well as our nation but the suppression of hearts from the awareness of good qualities. As for us, we cannot but consider what the confession’s truth requires of the human and society’s rise toward the position of compatibility with the highest values and ideals and that have made of him an invitation addressed to humans. We hope that fasting would be fruitful, which means that it should lift us from the body’s needs to the soul’s passions, and this could not happen unless when the heart is devoted to adoration, charity, pure intentions and the straight destination toward penitence, which is the return to God’s promise by obedience and good wills.

This is the Book, and this is what fasting represents, this is the door leading to victory the way God His Almighty wanted for us of this commemoration’s benedictions in this Holy month. We stick to this mercy, this grace and this guidance, neither by our tongues nor our slogans, but in our hearts, souls and minds.

My dear believers, all we hope for in this country and nation is that God His Almighty guides us with light in sightedness so that we find the paths of salvation from these calamities, and that we save our souls from this declination in a way that awakens our consciences to reach the path leading to our union, cohesion and harmony for our nation’s glory and victory.  

At the beginning of this blessed month, we call all our brothers in Lebanon to be aware of the serious risks that are threatening not only the country’s stability, but the reason of its existence, since the recourse to quarrels and divisions has become the only way to chaos where the national pact is lost and everyone resorts to his confession and every tribe to its shelter. Whoever expects victory on debris is mistaken.

The national and even humanitarian responsibility requires that we do not hinder the paths of dialogue and that we look for all that is meant to keep the country away from the risks of falling into death. What is required is not only to call upon the powerful State, but what is required is an urgent necessity to find the means that will contribute to the achievement of all that. We are not asked to exaggerate in praising the army while political division is directly contributing to the dispersion of the army’s deployment, the scattering of its forces and its continuous exhaustion in fire extinction everywhere, but all that is required is to agree upon the minimal basics of agreement that is meant to manage the constitutional institutions’ activity and other institutions, so that we contribute to ensure the appropriate climate to build the State and the army in a way that fulfills the highest national interest.

At this noble occasion, we cannot but supplicate by invocating God His Almighty to treat us with His mercy, compassion and pardon, to inspire us to what carries goodness, to rise us so that we inspire the significances of His message in this Holy month overflowing with benediction, to lift troubles off our people in Palestine that should remain the one and only ground for our struggle in order to liberate it from the tyrannical enemy, to guide the leaders in Egypt through the goodness of its people and our nation, to lift hardship off our brothers in Syria and Iraq and grant them the end of calamity and the positive consequences, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer. 

Beirut, on July 8, 2013