Druze council | Doha Magazine
Friday 07 March 2025 - 7 Ramadan 1446
Speech of his Eminence the Sheikh Akl of the Druze Unitarian Community at the occasion of the Holy Adha Feast, on October 26, 2012


At the occasion of the Holy Adha Feast, his Eminence the Sheikh Akl of the Druze Unitarian Community the Sheikh Naim Hassan led the prayer in the morning of the feast at the shrine of the Prince Abdallah in Abey, in presence of a number of prominent spiritual and temporal figures, where he pronounced the speech of the feast as follows: 

In the Name of God the Most Gracious the Most Merciful. Praise and Thanks be to God Lord of Mankind, Prayers and Peace be upon the Master of Messengers, His Family and His Companions, until the Day of Recompense

Adha is the offering that brings the servant closer to his God, satisfied and surrendered after addressing to Him with the sincerest spiritual intention. Piety is what God His Almighty gets from him as He taught us in His blessed book. The sincere intention resides in the truth, asking the hearts, souls and feelings about the virtues of thoughts, obedience and avoidances that bring us closer to our Creator –Praise be upon Him- and what we have gained of goodness from the pleasures, sciences and cults. If we intend to be fair in material life, we will have to be fair at first with the essence of our souls by forcing it to that revives it of the preservation of the Islam’s teachings and by restraining its path in accordance to the requirements of the truth and the Noble approach. If we pray to our Creator –Praise be upon Him- to unite us in Heaven, then the truth consists in being faithful to that we have committed ourselves to Him of following the orders and avoiding the prohibitions in a way that satisfies Him and creates within us in our souls the significances of humanism, goodness and grace that achieve the goodness of human and societies on Earth and the glorious gain of God’s victory, pardon and satisfaction in Heaven.

The essence of Adha consists that we go forward targeting His face by being freed of all the soul’s desires and obsessions, so that we enjoy a peaceful, obedient and satisfied soul that is worthy of looking in the mirror of truth and following the light as required by Him in order to rise toward the humanism it was created for.

We deserve the grace of this Feast if we get to seek the truth and this could not be achieved neither by sticking to personal interests, nor by deeply sinking in the labyrinth of material relations, nor by hearts desiring the aspects of prestige and presidency, nor by crossing the limits, nor by adopting stubbornness as a way to conversation far away from the truth, nor by sowing divisions, nor by trying to spoil the minds of people with words that are not based on any believable fact. If humans knew about the ambiguity in understanding and the infringement of truth they cause in societies by lacking sincerity in words, they would have got to fear God and be committed to piety as a way toward penitence and redressing. 

My brothers,

The truth should be our refuge at any time, especially at this serious time. This means that we should rise by our ethics, paths and relation with our social circle and our society as well, toward the ladder of the sincere people and benefactors, looking forward to rejecting any reason leading to repulsion and singularity of opinion. The revival of societies is tightly related to the coalition of efforts, solidarity of the community and common harmonious cooperation as a purpose itself, so that institutions come up with the fruits that constitute the purpose of their presence, which is serving people, sharing their worries, problems and aspirations as well as their dreams with charity and enthusiasm in order to accomplish the achievements that are meant to enhance the motivations to gather all and push the path of social work toward success and absorbance of all the energies, which enlightens the hope inside us again anywhere. We are looking forward to that with passion so that these noble goals turn into a reality that unites under its wings anyone aspiring to serve his society and nation, and our aspirations to the new Confessional Council.  

Dear Lebanese people,

This period seems to be hard in its circumstances and incidents. Thus, it should be an essential motivation to us so that our soul becomes illuminated by these virtuous aspirations and therefore, we sincerely seek to face all the obstacles and factors of disorder through which our society and nation are going. We cannot see any distance between the redressing of the soul and the one of its social circle. For this reason, we could not but remind all that the sacrifices offered to overcome the difficulties are nothing but a matter of conscience and responsibility. This is one of God’s Graces –Praise be upon Him- to see the light of hope in the middle of the darkness. Our country is full of sincere people who assume the huge responsibility of governing, so they are ready to confront the dangerous incidents with courage, calmness and fidelity, aspiring to the outlets of salvation through negotiations, dialogue and wise measures to avoid the impacts of calamities on the country and the risks of slipping into dangerous consequences.

We call all the leaders at these sad and serious moments of our history to firmly stick to the principles of the national pact, which is, to readopt the language that unites without divisions, not to abstain from making any effort to eradicate the suspicion factors from the national climate and strive to extinguish the reasons of sectarian hatred. We believe that all this is still possible if the good wills and intentions that aspire to the good and stability to our country and people are available.

At this occasion, we renew our condemnation to the assassination of the Major General Wissam El Hassan and his companion. We also reprobate all the aspects of terrorism everywhere in the World. It is about killing the soul, the act banned by Allah.

We express our worries about the present disturbing situation and the imminent dangers threatening our nation and to which it is subject since decades. We wonder if it is the time for the Lebanese people to consider their issue. We cannot but raise our prayer to the Creator –Praise upon Him- so that He inspires the Lebanese people and their leaderships as well with wisdom in order to cross this decisive period with conscience by avoiding dissension and carefully considering the probable consequences.

We support the efforts of the President of Republic the General Michel Suleiman and the sincere people. We also ask to back his invitation to an effective national dialogue that founds the pillars of a new coming period different from its precedents by offering cessions for the country’s interest not for the interest of foreign countries.

We support the positions of Walid Beik Jumblat regarding the preservation of civil peace and the keenness on the Lebanese union and the higher national interest, as well as the demand to separate economic solutions from political considerations.

We warn the governmental affair about the emptiness that paralyzes the institutions and we welcome any agreement and understanding, being grateful to each one who seeks it.

We call for the union around the military institution guaranteeing the stability of this nation and which has proved its success at the latest period in controlling security and keeping the country far away from what may cause harmful consequences.

We ask God His Almighty to help Syria overcome its painful crisis, regain its civil peace, security and safety and cease bloodshed in it so that the proud Syrian people realize their claims, aspirations and wishes.

We can see through the visit of the Prince of Qatar to Gaza Strip a historical initiative that supports the resistance rights in the land and the sacraments as well. The issue of Palestine and the protection of its land and sacraments from Judaism and colonization remains the first Arab issue.

We ask God to make our Feast an occasion to deeply consider the noble significances that God His Almighty wanted for us as a guidance and a light that illuminates for the good of the people and nation as well.  

Beirut, on October 26, 2012

Have a Blessed Feast