Druze council | Doha Magazine
Wednesday 22 January 2025 - 22 Rajab 1446
Speech of his Eminence El Sheikh of Druze Confession Naim Hassan in the occasion of the Holy Fitr 2009


In the occasion of the Holy Fitr His Eminence El Sheikh of Druze confession, Naim Hassan, prayed in the morning of this feast at the place of Prince Abdallah Tannoukhi in Abaye, with the participation of a number of personalities as well as secular and spiritual authorities.

After the prayer, his Eminence El Sheikh addressed the Feast speech saying:

Thanks for Almighty God who inspired the right path to his loyal prophet, God’s Praise and Peace, be upon him, so He revealed to Him the evidence verses full of trueness in the Holy month, among his verses (You who believed ought to fast as those who preceded you so you may be devoted). He also said (Whoever among you witnessed this month he has to fast it). The fast is the struggle of the soul and its seeking for goodness and purification so it may be consolidated in piety or will come back to Him repented to the truth. For this reason he described Ramadan month in the Prophetic Tradition as “a blessed month, the month of patience and consolation.” When it comes to its end the duty of obedience will remain until the Day of Judgment. The obedience which means the compliance to the favor and the avoidance of whom deny it, is a dignified purpose, noble and honest intention, it is the tendency of soul to goodness, virtue, chastity and morality and to the enlightened mind because the Human Being will become through these qualities and through those who are similar a decent person as God, Glory to Him, wanted him to be, i.e. the most “honorable creature.”  The compliance of persons by obedience is the hard work of which he said in the noble verses (Human Being you are hardworking to meet your God), hard working is striving; who desires to meet God, God desires to meet him as it is said in the Prophetic Tradition. This love is the one which reveals to the human foresight, mind and heart what is good to his soul, his house and his nation because self-reform by wisdom and virtue is the reform of the nation. The stability of the soul on the word of justice, is the stability of the individual and therefore of the society including his goodness, his arms and his victory against his enemy.”

He added: Fellow monotheists, the feast is just the joy of victory by overcoming what attracts us among the world vanities and its attachments. For this reason we have to seek with our minds to the good fruits that our heart picked i.e. the high meanings, the good works, the initiative to charity and beneficence, so we will know the meaning of the feast, and we will feel the happiness of achieving its goals (God does not waste the wage of believers.)”

He followed saying: “the believer who is opened to the feelings of responsibility is still in his society and nation; therefore we are not bored – God forbids – from repeating  the call to redress the management of the country by wisdom, good intentions and confidence restoration, investment of available opportunities in order to constitute a unity government that all political parties praise its slogan, asking to turn the slogan into good and fruitful initiatives, to practical steps that will get the institutions out of the bottleneck of partial interests to higher interests. The governance is a major responsibility of every official, responsibility before God because who manages people affairs is asked of justice, honesty and good measures; responsibility before people because the state authority derives from the votes of those people themselves, their trust and their aspirations to freedom, security and decent life. Acting against these essential factors of the social contract on which the Lebanese agreed, and which is represented by their Constitution, customs and systems that they put to regulate the state governance, is a convicted action before God, conscience and trust related to people destiny.”

He added: “Fellow Lebanese we remind of the big dangers threatening the stability of Lebanon, and the first is the Israeli Enemy, its aggressive threats and its disposition to execute them. This awaiting enemy perfectly knows that any split in the internal ranks, will be the big gift and the great gap to seize Lebanon. We also remind of the carelessness dangers and misuse of the Lebanese formula parameters, because this formula is not related to the influence of this category or that, but it is the result of understanding and appealing to mind, which lead to the promotion of Lebanon, and by refusing them – God Forbids – we will go back to degradation, and even to the abyss of disputes and discord which are the beginning of sedition. We also remind of the economic crisis danger, and therefore the unemployment, immigration, corruption and high costs in addition to the non-completion of the general balance for years (and this itself is the most flagrant mistake) without mentioning the danger of staying the prisoner of the executive authority in a constricted circle of narrow requests labyrinth as well as the obstacles to which the good citizen does not find any explanation or justification”

His Eminence the Sheikh ended saying: “then, we call by praising and thanking God, to exert efforts, and resort to God’s solid cord, to strengthen the hearts with faith and trust in the truth, we ask as well for His goodwill, His support to our oppressed brothers in Palestine and Iraq, for the abortion of the will of those who seek evil to our nation and people, to make us honest and charitable, so we will celebrate this feast with our brothers and our nation in well-being, prosperity and blessings, He listens ably and answers invocations.”